Refurbish old furniture – The makeover for classics

Attics and basements often hide undreamt-of treasures. But what to do, if the finds are broken or incomplete? Using this chest of drawers as an example, missing a drawer and a leg, we demonstrate, how junk becomes presentable furniture again.

Hardly discovered and saved from bulky waste, you have a problem with a lot of old furniture: The potential, but the problems are great. We have advice, if you want to turn the legacies of your ancestors into a full member of your home furnishings again. The question comes up: Elaborate restoration or – like here – supplement missing parts in a timely manner? We explain on the next few pages, how to repair aging furniture and spice it up with simple tools, Sharpens nicks and refreshes old polishes. Everything, what you need, are tools, time and attention to detail.

self-adhesive film: Simple, but effective
The simplest way of designing the panel is to stick it on with a self-adhesive foil. From far beyond 100 You can choose decors from the manufacturers. caution: Some slides tend to do this, contract a bit over time. You can't prevent that, but if you pre-paint the panel in a color that matches the foil, the edge of the film can hardly be seen later. Otherwise, the MDF front needs no further pre-treatment. Always stick the foil in the middle of the surface and press and smooth it out towards the sides.

How to build the drawers:
Suitable for the drawers 22 mm thick MDF board best, because it offers the smoothest surface and the easiest processing.
Glue the sides flush to the front edge of the base and let them spring back from the back edge by the thickness of the back wall.
Glue the panel flush at the top and sides, below let them protrude so far, dass sie am Laufrahmen der Kommode anschlägt. Schleifen Sie die Kanten nach Abbinden des Leims mit einem Schwingschleifer und 120er-Körnung bündig und mit 180er-Körnung fein. Then the paint is applied.

Textiles Fabric: Optics with depth

Fabrics like this "cow hide" can also be used to cover the drawers. To do this, however, the fabric must be glued to a carrier plate made of hard fiber. So that it does not lie twice on the back at the corners, miter it (1). Use all-purpose glue as the glue, that you apply flat (2). Glue scraps of fabric to the center piece of the carrier plate that remains free, so that a flat surface is created for fixing to the drawer front.
You can also use the all-purpose glue for this.

decoupage: Perfect design

The serviette technique involves sticking printed paper serviettes onto all sorts of objects. The important thing here is, that you only the gossamer, Cut out the printed top layer of the napkins, them with a special glue (craft market) Glue to the primed surface and paint the whole thing with a clear coat after the glue has dried. You should only use the glue very sparingly, otherwise the paper will tear or wrinkle. In our case, we unfolded a dotted serviette and placed it in the adhesive bed on the drawer front.

glass front: More perspective

This idea is for people, who prefer to show off the inner workings of their dressers rather than hide them. A frosted glass pane serves as a semi-transparent drawer panel, which you can have cut to size at the glazier. It is held in place by the aluminum profiles glued to three sides, the lower one also serves as a handle bar. Cheap: Because three cut edges of the pane are covered, you only have to have the glazier grind and polish one long edge. The lighting we use inside the drawer is only worthwhile if this is the case, if the contents allow this light to shine through to the pane.

1 Zwei 8-Watt-Leuchten (22 x 40 x 348 mm) are attached to the upper drawer frame with double-sided adhesive tape.

2 Die Stecker führen Sie durch ein Langloch ins Freie. Fix the cables with clamps like this, that you can slide the drawers without any problems.

3 Beim Verleimen springen die Schubkastenseiten von der Bodenvorderkante 6 mm (glass thickness) and from the bottom side edges 2 mm (aluminum profile thickness) back. First the pages, then glue the back wall.

4 Nach dem Schleifen und dem Kantenbrechen grundieren Sie alle Flächen.

5 Eine zweimalige Endlackierung sorgt für eine strapazierfähige Oberfläche.

6 Die Alu-Griff- and angle profiles cut to length and deburr the cut edges.

7 Um das Profil mit Montagekleber und Zwinge zu fixieren, place a flat surface under the drawer.

8 Die satinierte Glasscheibe setzen Sie auf den Schubkastenboden,…

9 …in order to fix them laterally with aluminum angle profiles in the next step. Three cutting edges of the pane are covered in this way.

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