The cultivation of cucumbers in the cold frame should primarily take place as a second crop for summer use.

The cultivation of cucumbers in the cold frame should primarily take place as a second crop for summer use.

Cucumbers can be planted in a warm box from mid-April, planted or sown in a cold box from late April to early May, if necessary between the only partially harvested previous crop.

Are pre-cultivated cucumber plants available, then be under each cold frame window (1,50 m x 0,80 m) two planted. Usually also suffice 3 plants for 2 window. The same stock density is maintained during sowing. Here are the seeds 3 lay out whole-seeded cucumber seeds and just about 1 cm to cover with soil. later, after the emerging seedlings have developed the first normal leaf, only the strongest plant per seeding site remains. The rest are not pulled out of the ground, but cut off, in order not to disturb the remaining plant in its development.

In the cold box, each plant- or. The seeding site should at least be provided with good compost. However, a pad made of fresh stable manure is even cheaper.