Put your potted plants in the air!

For oleanders, Lantana and angel's trumpet it's time, prepare them for the outdoor season. They are already longingly waiting for more light and a warm spring rain. As soon as there is no more threat of frost, potted plants can get out again.

• Wichtig für die ersten Tage ist ein geschützter, shady place, because even sun-loving plants first have to get used to direct UV radiation again. Otherwise, especially young leaves can burn quickly. A protective fleece protects against cold nights, that is slipped over the plants.

• Vor allem kleinere Kübelpflanzen brauchen jetzt auch neue Erde und einen größeren Topf. Older specimens only need to be repotted every two to three years. After the roots and shoots have been cut back by about a third, they can be put back into the old ones with new soil, cleaned bucket.

1 Ausräumen: A sack truck or special carrying handles make it easier to transport the potted plants and protect your back.

2 Schattieren: First, the plants should be in a shady place if possible, otherwise the leaves, not yet accustomed to sunlight, will easily burn. A fleece cover can also help here.

3 Rückschnitt: In the case of tall stems, you should remove all shoots, that grow out of the trunk, remove regularly.

4 Umtopfen: plants, who have completely rooted their earth ball, need bigger pots and fresh soil. Pick the pot about 6 to 8 cm larger than the old one. Put the plant back in the ground as deep as before.

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