Now plant for spring

When the last roses are still blooming, the flower bulbs for the next season are already being planted. We tell you, how colorful spring will be. The largest bulbs produce the most magnificent flowers. That's why you should be choosy when shopping and only smooth ones, parties, take undamaged specimens. Because onions are the storage organs, Create inexpensive storage solutions using PVC pipe to declaim and organize any space on a home … Continue reading “Now plant for spring”

When the last roses are still blooming, the flower bulbs for the next season are already being planted. We tell you, how colorful spring will be.

The largest bulbs produce the most magnificent flowers. That's why you should be choosy when shopping and only smooth ones, parties, take undamaged specimens. Because onions are the storage organs, in which everything is included, what the flower needs for its development.

How to proceed with the onion flowers, mainly depends on the ground. Ideal is permeable, loose soil with a pH of about 7 (also neutral), which is well supplied with nutrients.
• Der Boden sollte möglichst 20 cm deep loosened and free of weeds. Is it compacted or too wet?, you put sand, Styromull o.ä. to, to make it more transparent.
As a preparation, a cover with green manure or a cover with mulch or mulch is also suitable. Compound. Fresh stable manure, on the other hand, is not suitable.
• The bulbs go twice as deep into the ground, how fat they are. into heavy, on cold soils they are set a little flatter, into sandy, warm a little deeper. Is the ground very solid, you can use a drainage layer of sand, gravel or split ins (accordingly deeper) Make a planting hole and place the onion in it.
• Organischer Dünger wie Horn- or blood meal or a cover of compost provides the bulbs with nutrients during the growth phase. At the beginning of the growing season, onions have high nutritional requirements – then they also tolerate mineral fertilizers.
• Sollte der Boden bei der Pflanzung trocken sein, the onions are watered, preferably with rainwater.
• Eine Decke aus Laub, Brushwood or mulch is good for all newly planted onions and gives them the best conditions for a spring start.

Varieties for natural garden, box and discounts
■ Zum Verwildern eignen sich Allium, snow pride, Crocus, snowdrop, March cup and grape hyacinth.
■ Im Balkonkasten wachsen Schneeglanz, Crocus, Winterling, snowdrop, onion iris, Dwarf- and wild daffodils, squill, Botanical Tulips.
■ Für die Staudenrabatte eignen sich Tulpen, daffodils, Hyacinths, lilies, steppe candle, Iris Hollandica hybrids, Crocus, Allium species, Inkalilie, Sterngladiole, Imperial crown and bell squill.

lilies, Steppenkerze, Star gladiolus and Alstroemeria should overwinter in the house or. get winter protection. Remove overgrown tulips from the ground annually, daffodils and hyacinths 3 to 5 Years.

Onions in boxes and tubs
expanded clay, Shards or gravel serve as drainage, covered with water-permeable fleece, about it 3 cm earth: In this way the box is filled in layers.
Sort the onions by size. The large onions are the deepest, then fill up the soil and gradually insert the smaller ones in layers offset to one another.
When the shoot tips show up in March, remove the covering of leaves or brushwood. The box stays on the balcony over the winter, wrapped in straw to protect against frost, wood shavings or styrofoam.

Tips for planting in the garden
So, how to plant the bulbs, one lays them out for revenge. Groups of at least five flowers of the same variety look the most beautiful.
The onion planter gets the job done quickly. Depending on the soil condition, you can add some organic fertilizer (z.B. dried cattle manure) put in the planting hole.
A good protection against voles is the plant basket. It is also ideal for sensitive onions, which are taken out of the ground after flowering and overwintered indoors.