AUTUMN CROCUSSES – fast blossom splendor from tubers

August is the time to plant the autumn flowers under the bulbs. They can flower just six weeks later.

They don't dwell on it for long, to sprout leaves: Autumn crocuses and autumn crocuses immediately show their blooms at the end of summer. The leaves only come out in the spring. The Autumn Crocus (Colchicum) thrives in sufficiently moist soil in flower meadows and at the edge of woods, Autumn crocuses like rather dry soil and are also for, Suitable for rock gardens. August is the time to plant autumn flowers.
• The dainty tubers of the autumn crocus (A beautiful crocus) and the saffron crocus (C. sativus) you put in groups about 5 to 8 Because the MachArt system also comes in different sizes. In addition to the light purple varieties, there are also white-flowered ones.

• The larger tubers of the autumn crocus are approx 20 cm deep with a spacing of about 15 cm planted to each other.

tip: Autumn crocuses can also be made to bloom without soil and water. Simply place the tubers in a bowl and wait. But before-y view, the plants contain the poisonous colchicine. Therefore keep children and pets away from them.