Principles for division and design

Principles for division and design

Enumerating the different garden types has become clear, how different they are in their size and in their possible uses. Basically, every garden has its own laws and its special program. Nevertheless, a number of aspects can be highlighted, applicable to all gardens.

The starting point is the following considerations: How will the garden be used?? How much time do family members have for the garden? What does the garden offer the children?

How the individual wishes affect the layout and layout of a garden, can best be illustrated using examples from allotment gardens, they show, like a garden — with the same size – can look like, if predominantly fruit or vegetables or even both are grown in equal parts and how a part of the garden for children is to be planned.

Flowers should not be missing in any garden. There are areas on the entrance path for this purpose, in the front yard, at seats, but also in other places on the property.

Every family usually has a more or less precise idea of ​​their future garden. When it comes to implementation, however, various aspects must be taken into account.