Redesign garden gates

Whoever goes through a garden gate, gets his first impression of the house here – still, most of them look pretty boring. We show you three ways to a piece of jewelry.

The basic idea is always the same: In a normal garden gate with vertical battens, we replaced or added different and self-designed solid elements- or plywood. Since the slats themselves are not part of the statics in such a goal, it's no problem, easy to replace some of them. Be careful though, that when loosening the slats, the supporting structure on the back is not damaged or brought out of the right angle. Only use waterproof glued plywood to implement our first idea (usually birch, Available including cutting in hardware stores). Important for the necessary surface protection from blue stain protection, primer and paint: Slightly round all edges, so that the paint holds better there.

1 Die Vorlage bringen Sie mit Hilfe der Rastereinteilung auf Originalgröße, place them on the plywood with blue paper and transfer their contours.

2 Zum Ausschneiden brauchen Sie eine Stichsäge mit einem mittelbreiten Sägeblatt. You absolutely must edge the edges in at least two courses (with 80s- and 150 grit) sand clean and round off slightly.

3 Die Sperrholzelemente verleimen Sie über die ganze Kontaktfläche. Countersink and fill the screws, which you screw in from behind for stabilization.

4 Bevor Sie die Oberfläche bunt lackieren, everything must be carefully primed, specifically the edges.

5 Am Tor fixieren Sie das Ganze mit verzinkten Schrauben.


Encouraged to enter

Of course, you can also simply replace slats with slats. In this example, for example, we "sharpened" construction wood into pencils and painted it with an open glaze to match. The spare slats are – like the originals – made of fine and very low-warping Douglas fir wood. This construction wood is available by the meter from the same manufacturer as the glaze (Osmo).

The effect of our top idea is based on this, among other things, that the three replacement battens are of different lengths than the originals, i.e. protrude beyond the general slat height of the fence.

A glaze as a surface treatment is therefore the first choice, because the even grain of the wood means that no covering coat is required. The painted versions are also available for purchase.

1 Achten Sie beim Ausschneiden der Konturen darauf, that you are using the jigsaw in the direction of the grain, i.e. towards the tip of the pencil. Then the cut will be cleaner.

2 Kleben Sie die Farbbereiche mit Klebeband ab, when you spread the glaze. The three different red stripes create a three-dimensional impression.

3 Die beiden Streben des Gartentors müssen Sie wieder exakt anliegend verschrauben, so that they retain their stiffening effect.

The easiest method, Enhance your garden gate: They simply fix several representatives of the local fauna to it, without replacing entire slats. Like deer and rabbit from idea 1 Our three birds are also cut from waterproof plywood and protected against blue stain, Primer and colored paint surface protected and refined. Since the contours of birds are quite easy to draw, we dispensed with a rasterized template. The following applies to the color design with acrylic paint, that you should draw the color gradients and borders on the white ground with a sharpened pencil.

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