The repotting

So that the plant does not come into the new pot dry as a ball, it is watered a few hours before repotting. Because the demands of the different types of houseplants on the soil are different, it is best to obtain the new soil required for repotting from an ornamental plant nursery or florist in the composition suitable for the plant species in question. HinweiseContinue reading “The repotting”

So that the plant does not come into the new pot dry as a ball, it is watered a few hours before repotting. Because the demands of the different types of houseplants on the soil are different, it is best to obtain the new soil required for repotting from an ornamental plant nursery or florist in the composition suitable for the plant species in question. References to soil mixtures that have shown to be suitable from experience are given under "Care requirements" in the descriptions of the species.

Brand new pots should be soaked in water for several hours before planting, so that they soak up water, that they would otherwise withdraw from the earth. Pots that have already been used should be cleaned carefully before replanting.

Before using the new pot, the drainage hole of the bottom of the pot (ensure that it is of sufficient size!) covered with some shards, which prevent the soil from trickling through, however, should not impede the drainage of excess irrigation water. We create a better water drainage, if we cover the bottom of the pot with a layer of coarse gravel several centimeters high. Such sand- or gravel layer is particularly important in plants, to be watered from below after repotting.

The new pot should be around in diameter only 2 to 3 cm be larger than the previous one. Changing from a very small to a much larger pot is not good for the plants. Then it takes too long, until the new earth is rooted; because the best oxygen supply for the roots is at the edge of the porous clay pot!

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