Tie a Cavendish tie knot

Due to the large number of trains initially node Cavendish seems to be very time consuming, but if you try , you will soon find out, that there are only two knots weave Four -in- Hand . Origin This knot was probably not invented by the English physicist Cavendish , but by two Cambridge physicists – finch and mao, the … Continue reading “Tie a Cavendish tie knot”

Due to the large number of trains initially node Cavendish seems to be very time consuming, but if you try , you will soon find out, that there are only two knots weave Four -in- Hand .


This knot was probably not invented by the English physicist Cavendish , but by two Cambridge physicists – finch and mao, the one way , wanted to pay homage to this Cavendish. Other nodes also gave the names of the names of famous physicists .

The relationship between the knot swing and shape of the face determines the rule of thumb for men with round faces and short top necks are small , elongated knots , like the four-in-hand- node or a hybrid . Gentlemen of small face and long neck would be better, look at connections with wide knots.

The Cavendish tie knot


Cavendish is comparable to the four-in – Hand made from thick tie . Representatives of the latter met and to be the first, since both through a typical , compact, slightly triangular in shape and characterized by asymmetry. If you want to fill the collar with widely spaced tips , you can either reach for a much thicker tie and lengthen the four-in- Hand , or the Cavendish . It's the only big knot , which is well arranged in combination with the average width of the collar.

A method of binding – The Cavendish tie knot

Cavendish tie knot

In a few words

– (A little ) asymmetric
– Small
– The typical collar and small distance jagged
– For long and narrow ties
– From thin to medium thick materials
– Didn't come off
– Suitable for Low- men
– For work and for Christmas offers

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