Who puts his early potatoes closer together.
Ob mit …
Who puts his early potatoes closer together.
Ob mit …
Harvest begins about, Harvest begins about 8 to 10 Harvest begins about …
If there is danger of frost at night, the shoots above the ground must be covered with soil.
Even the slightest night frost destroys the potato shoots, …
As soon as the shoots of the potatoes break through the soil, you have to loosen the soil by hoeing.
Das Hacken zu diesem Zeitpunkt …
The pre-germinated tubers are on the rows with 20 to 30 cm distance and about 10 cm deep.
For …
The row spacing for new potatoes must 60 cm, so that there is enough soil available for plowing.
Wer seine Frühkartoffeln …
Medium sized, healthy potato tubers of pronounced early varieties are the best for laying.
Der Austrieb und die Wurzelbildung nach dem Legen der …
The pre-germinated new potatoes must not be laid before mid-April.
Potatoes are very sensitive to frost. Das trifft vor allem auf die …