Rocking horse – SIT UP kit!

The rocking horse is a classic among wooden toys. Who prefers to build it yourself, instead of buying a finished one, can use one of our blueprints – or use a kit.

The complete self-construction of a rocking horse requires skill and time. After all, the project has to be planned and a drawing made, Body and head should either be lifelike or elegantly stylized, the runners need an even swing, and notches as well as holes in bevels and curves must be perfectly positioned.

You do not have to do such laborious work with this kit. You can even choose the type of wood for your horse, from which it is worked, However, this also has price consequences.

As usual with a kit, the individual parts are basically finished. What remains for you to do, are the fine work and the coloring. The former consists essentially of rasps, Filing and grinding, because it's about, to work out a pleasantly round and comfortable horse's back for the little rider from the rather angular body.

It is helpful in any case, Draw the curves from all sides on the body and remove the material first with the coarse rasp. The finer files and sandpaper are only suitable for the finish due to their grain size.

The real challenge on this rocking horse is the surface treatment. A simple colorful paint job would rather destroy the charm of the classic toy. With our technology, the new pine horse becomes an apparently old one, worn heirloom from Uropa's nursery.

Use tinting paints from the hardware store for coloring. They're cheap, solvent-free, because on a dispersion basis, and durable enough, especially in connection with the subsequently applied-

natural patina. This, in turn, is nothing more than a walnut-colored interior glaze. Spread it very thinly, to achieve the worn look.

11 thoughts on “Rocking horse – SIT UP kit!”

    1. Hello,
      for your kit or. I would be very interested in the blueprint.
      Das abgebildete Schaukelpferd ist wunderschön.
      mfG Stefan aus dem Vogtland

  1. Sehr geehrte Damen u. Herrn,
    ich interessiere mich für den Bauplan und auch für den Bausatz Schaukelpferd AUFSITZEN.
    Ich bitte um Info über Verfügbarkeit und Kosten.
    Vielen Dank.
    Ulrich Kreiß

  2. Wo kann der Bausatz für das Schaukelpferd erworben werden?
    Der Preis für das Schaukelpferd wäre auch sehr hilfreich.

  3. Ladies and gentlemen,
    where can you get the blueprint and the kit?
    Please let me know the prices.
    Thank you for your efforts.
    MfG / Peter Roppel

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