Correctly paint ceilings

When an apartment has to be painted, then the ceiling is traditionally one of the tasks, that nobody would like to take over. But the following tips won't make this job easy, but much easier. You need the right color to prepare, at least one roller and two finer brushes, to be able to make repairs if necessary. The choice of … Continue reading “Correctly paint ceilings”

When an apartment has to be painted, then the ceiling is traditionally one of the tasks, that nobody would like to take over. But the following tips won't make this job easy, but much easier. You need the right color to prepare, at least one roller and two finer brushes, to be able to make repairs if necessary.

Choosing the right color

Do you want to delete?, then you should opt for emulsion paints, the ceiling should have previously been covered with woodchip wallpaper. This is understood to mean water-soluble colors, which are free of other solvents and also matt in the tones, silk gloss and high gloss can be selected. Who is afraid of drops, can also opt for “fixed colors”. These have been around for a number of years, however, they are a little more expensive. For this reason, you should use them carefully.

Who wants a certain shade, should mix this in specialist shops, because this task is more difficult and expensive than many people think. Mostly the own result does not look like that, as one imagined. As for the amount of paint, so there is a simple rule: You need per square meter 170 ml of paint. The commercial one 10 Liter bucket is about enough for 60 square meters.

The painting

The ceiling is first painted with the roller. The crossover system is used here: First you rolled out the base color lengthways across the ceiling, then you paint the whole ceiling with the roller again, but this time across the width. This guarantees an even color distribution. people, who are painting a ceiling for the first time, should ponder carefully, whether it would be better to wear glasses. In addition, many “first time users” also opt for a face mask. After the base color is applied, one touches up the corners with the brushes.

There are some great tips for painting yourself: It is easier, to paint with the incidence of light, because that way you can see your work better. Before the actual application, you should also moisten the roller a little. This makes it much easier for the paint to roll off. Should there be water stains in the ceiling, so these must be painted over with an insulating paint and brushes before applying the new paint. You should be patient during the subsequent roller brushing. The slower you roll, the less the paint splatters.