In the new house: Does your insurance still fit??

Even if your household effects have remained the same: After moving into a new home, you should definitely adjust your household contents insurance to the new living conditions. Also a good opportunity, update old policies. OLD CONTRACTS New risks, new policy everything demolished, but nothing stolen? Vandalism is often not insured! Have a look … Continue reading “In the new house: Does your insurance still fit??”

Even if your household effects have remained the same: After moving into a new home, you should definitely adjust your household contents insurance to the new living conditions. Also a good opportunity, update old policies.

New Risks, new policy
Everything demolished, but nothing stolen? Vandalism is often not insured!
Have a look through your household contents insurance documents. Is your policy based on terms from 1974? You can recognize this by the abbreviation VHB 74. Attention: Vandalism is usually not insured. Find the abbreviation VHB 84, should the conditions be renewed. So they bid for clothing and other household items, you take with you on vacation trips, no global protection, but only in Europe. Currently: the VHB 92, conditions since the year 1992. However, insurers can offer different clauses. There are differences in the small print and in the posts. The contracts are offered with or without your loss participation, depending on the provider 500 to 1000 marks per year. Our advice: Distinguish between contract offers, what is insured. Does the insurer also pay in the event of burglary, for example?, if you store your bike in the garage?

Protection in case of disasters?
flooding, earthquake, snow pressure, avalanches, everything is insurable, but…
Live near a river or in the mountains? Then grab it, if a household contents insurer wants to pay for natural hazards without restrictions.
The reason: Insurers ask about damage in the past ten years. Was household items destroyed by forces of nature, you will not receive any protection for this or you will have to share in the damage costs. Tip: Without being asked about the past, Overvoltage damage caused by lightning can be caused by electrical equipment (TV!) assure. It costs 10 to 40 mark per year.
Much is different in the east of the Federal Republic. There is the household insurance from GDR times. Covered are u.a. flood damage.

How to properly insure your home

furniture and clothing, Laundry, curtains, Cash, securities, Schmuck, consumer electronics, DIY Tools, domestic, Hobby- and sports equipment, toys, toy vehicles, Antenna, awning.

With about 1200 marks per square meter of living space. At a 100 m2 apartment 120 000 Mark sum insured. It is continuously adjusted by the insurer to the general price increase.

Feuer, burglary, Raub, vandalism, tap water, Sturm, Hagel.

household items, that you take with you on vacation, worldwide up to ten percent of the sum insured, maximal 20 000 Mark.
If the apartment is unusable, the transport and storage costs up to 100 take, Hotel costs up to one per mille of the insured sum per day, maximum for 100 take.

valuables, if they are more expensive than 20 percent of the sum insured. Attention: The following items were not in the safe (200 kg minimum weight) or in a walled steel cabinet, are paid at most: for cash 2000, for certificates and savings accounts 5000, for jewelry and coins 40 000 Mark. In addition, additional insurance is required: bicycle theft, Overvoltage damage caused by lightning on electronic devices, the buildings- and furniture glazing.