GARDEN CHAIRS – To build, stuck, Take a seat

Make your garden really comfortable with these cheerful chairs. Or on the go, because the construction is smart and space-saving and can be easily stowed away in the trunk.

Whether in the garden, on the balcony, in the city park or when camping. No matter, where to settle this summer: These chairs should be there! The seating furniture, made of stable birch wood multiplex, can be built quickly and costs around 16 Euro plus some acrylic paint a really cheap construction company. You can get birch plywood in any good hardware store for about 28 A euro is a square meter. You will definitely need a glue for waterproof gluing (5 euros/bottle), even better a waterproof construction adhesive (10 euros/cartridge). There are two options for the screws: Either you take the usual ones and paint them over, so nothing can rust, or you treat yourself to non-rusting screws. They do cost 10 Euro you 100 piece, but they look great!

It's the curvature that counts.

The drawing below right shows the 1 x 1 m large multiplex board with the individual components for exactly two chairs. After sawing lengthways, the straight seat boards must then be cut to the length of 45 cm can be shortened. Before you start sawing out the curved parts, you should know, whether you like the red one, steeper chair or the blue one, want to produce a slightly flatter chair. Because the curvature of the chair legs is different. The black lines in the drawing show the curvature of the red chair, the two red lines, that of the blue. We wish you good luck and lots of sun!

1 With a flexible narrow wooden strip (about 3 mm dick) transfer the outlines of the chair legs to the 1 x 1 m large multiplex plate. Two nails or pins hold the bar in place on the left and right.

2 Sägen Sie für zwei Stühle zunächst zwei Viererstreifen aus der Platte heraus und

3 kleben Sie sie zusammen, so that a double material thickness of 2,4 cm arises.

4 Wenn der Kleber ausgehärtet ist, saw strips from the board and

5 schleifen sie mit einem Handbandschleifer glatt. The four strips are pressed together with two clamps, to grind them at the same time.

6 Jetzt bohren Sie Schraubenlöcher und senken sie an.

7 Noch vor dem Verschrauben wird alles mit Acryllack gestrichen.

8 Beim Verschrauben der Querlatten ist eine Lehre sehr hilfreich.

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