They are ideal for your hobby workshop

Who needs a planer, can under more than 50 choose models. But three or four are enough for the do-it-yourselfer. We have put together for you, which planes work well in the home workshop.

cleaning surfaces, phasing out sides, finish cutting surfaces: Those are the tasks, where the Seibermacher is most likely to reach for the planer. Our selection is therefore geared towards these focal points. But which plane should you choose?? Enthusiasts prefer the classic and easy-to-handle wooden tool, if possible with the patented Primus technology. Seibermacher, who often do outdoor work, like to opt for a robust plane with a steel sole and exchangeable blades. Others get by with just one universal planer. There is no binding recommendation – only the, that quality pays off, especially with a planer: good workmanship, high-quality plane irons, easy usability.


All planes with double blade from 48 mm width and all Primus planes can be retrofitted with reversible knife plane irons (ECE) equip. They are made of high alloy, made of hardened tungsten steel, provided with alternating bevels – and regrindable!