Rising water penetrates the masonry

In new buildings, the masons lay between the floor slab and the first row of stones (sometimes also between the first and second row of stones) a bitumen membrane, the so-called horizontal barrier. She prevented, that the water through the hair-thin cavities of the building materials (capillary) climbs up and from there penetrates into the basement. In many older buildings, this horizontal barrier is missing or defective, the water rises unhindered into the walls.

A possibility, subsequently install a horizontal barrier, is the so-called silicification: A special liquid, which is introduced into the masonry over a period of several weeks, solidifies there to form a waterproof layer (see graphic below). Does the basement wall have a horizontal barrier?, which is above the first row of stones, the water can penetrate through the wall in this area. A fillet made of waterproof rubber mortar can help here, which is pulled up to the horizontal barrier.

1 Sind die Löcher für die Injektionstrichter gebohrt, you need the sealing liquid gradually over six up 14 Allow days to run into the wall permanently. Refill empty funnels, until nothing else happens.
2 Ist die Wand verkieselt, plug all drill holes with a drilling mud. Push them in with a spatula and compact them.
3 Den Abschluss bildet eine wasserdichte bituminöse Spachtelmasse. You can continue plastering on it normally.
4 Für die Hohlkehle, which seals the area between the ground and the horizontal barrier, use one 8 to 10 cm thick plastic tube. Tighten the rubber mortar at least 1 to 2 cm beyond the horizontal barrier.

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