Why it makes sense to create a garden plan

Why it makes sense to create a garden plan

Winter time is planning time. Now you can hardly do anything outside. Surely you should still go into the garden from time to time and take a look, whether everything is still okay.

Some trees, especially the evergreens, have to struggle with the snow load. You are grateful for that, when you look at them by weight, what is holding them down, freed.

Some wild animals like to sneak into the garden during the cold season, to improve their nourishment with buds and bark. That is why you should also take a regular look at the fences or other protective measures.

But most of the time you spend in the house. It is not without reason that the catalogs of various suppliers of plants flutter at this time of the year, Home seeds and gardening supplies. Now one has leisure to deal with it.

Who wants to redesign his garden, he should write down his plans on paper. This is how you get an idea, what could look like. How to measure the garden, I've already presented that. (More tips will follow.)

However, a garden plan is particularly important for the vegetable gardener. Who knows exactly, which varieties were grown on which bed two years ago. But this is essential for a good yield.

We make a distinction when it comes to vegetables. Heavy Eater, Low consumers and medium consumers. This classification is made according to the consumption of nutrients. Dabei bezieht man sich hauptsächlich auf den Verbrauch an Stickstoff.

Heavy Eater

Eggplant, cauliflower, Broccoli, chinakohl, Cucumber, Potatoes, Kohl, pumpkin, Lauch, Melons, rhubarb, Brussels sprouts, Saddlery, tomatoes, savoy, Zucchini

Central Eater

debt, fennel, Knoblauch, Kohlrabi, Kopf- and lettuce, pumpkin, Mangold, Carrots, Paprika, leek, radish, radish, Rote Bete, salsify, Spinach, Runner beans, Onions

Weak eaters

French beans, Peas, Lamb's lettuce, Herbs, cress, Portulak, Broad beans

With this knowledge you can now plan an optimal crop rotation. Last year they were heavy eaters on a bed, then it should now be used for funds- or plan for weak consumers. In contrast, the plants used little nitrogen last year, then vegetables can be used at this point, that has a high consumption of nutrients.

To keep track of things here, a simple exercise book with a rough garden plan is sufficient. The year is entered in the beds, what one has planted. So there is no longer any need to think twice, which plants will go where in the next year, saves fertilizer and can improve its yields.

aside from that: There are also certain types of vegetables, which for other reasons should not be planted one after the other on a bed.

Same plant families

Vegetables from one plant family do not want to grow one after the other in the same soil.

To the cruciferous count: Radishes, all types of cabbage (also kohlrabi), Radishes and cress. This is where the middle eaters should (like radishes) not even after the heavy consumers (like white cabbage) be cultivated.

Umbelliferae are dill, fennel, Carrots, Pastinaken, parsley, Celery and onions,

Beans and peas are counted among the butterflies.

Goosefoot crops are chard, Beets and spinach.

The nightshade family is represented by aubergines, Potatoes, Paprika and Tomatem.

We know cucumbers as gourds, Pumpkins and melons.

Who wants to create his vegetable garden optimally, he should also pay attention to these influences. And who keeps this in mind for several years without a plan, he must be a genius. I think there are more important things in life than just remembering, what was planted where in the previous year. So a big YES to the garden plan.

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