The terrace – Design A place at the source

A spring with a stream and a pond is already a small garden sensation. You don't need a park-like property for this - a wooden terrace is enough.

Garden waters are popular and widely used. But what can you do, if you only have a small plot of land and just enough space for a terrace? Then you build Sourcestone, Stream and pond in the terrace!
The additional cost of the technique, the foil and the small material amount to approx 650 Euro. That mainly depends on the water volume, that should be moved, and the pump capacity required for this. The width and depth of the watercourse also play a role here. So before you buy, get advice from a specialist retailer.
We took a square mortar tub from the hardware store as the spring basin, the ornamental pond at the end of the gully is a round one . plant container, which can be obtained from tree nurseries. Both together cost approx 40 Euro. The round basin later accommodates a watercourse pump, which cannot be heard due to underwater operation.
A hose is laid as a connection to the UV filter and overflow box on the "spring stone"., which must have a clear gradient (about 5 cm per meter distance), so that it can run empty, when the water is drained for winter. It should definitely be connected in the lower area, so that there are no turbulences on the surface. The UV filter has a special lamp inside that emits ultraviolet light, whereby algae clump together in the passing water and can then be easily filtered out (for example through a fine gauze in front of the overflow edge in the water reservoir).
Anyone who wants to set up a natural stone slab as a "spring stone"., gets these from stonemasons or natural stone dealers (Yellow Pages). The mason can probably drill the holes for you to attach it. We used a slab of slate, but you might as well use a concrete- or take a metal plate. The best way to connect the wooden gutter is with a permanently elastic and weatherproof sealant from boat building (Marine Sealant, Pantera, round 20 Euro/290 ml) with the cymbals. To do this, sand the plastic surfaces and clean all adhesive surfaces (Holz, pool) with acetone.
Now all you have to do is plank the terrace. The garden sensation is ready.

1 Measure the position of the gully and basin, and mark them with plumbing lines and by pressing the edge of the pool into the ground. Then dig out the holes for the cymbals.

2 Eine Wanddurchführung wird mir einem druckfesten Schlauch verbunden, which is laid in the ground with a slight incline.

3 Aus Hölzern für die Unterkonstruktion (pages) and two trimmed, connected with PU wood glue, The channel is built using deck boards. For the pool connection, notch the edge of the tub with the jigsaw.

4 Now place a stone sheet (bones) into the horizontal trough, and staple them to the edge.

5 Die Fuge zwischen Rinne und Becken wird mit dauerelastischem Dichtstoff (with. B. by Pantera) closed.

6 Rinnenrand und TerrassenUnterkonstruktion müssen auf einer Höhe abschließen und werden beim Beplanken miteinander verbunden.

7 Nachdem die Terrasse beplankt ist und das runde Becken grob ausgespart wurde, determine the center of the pelvis with a transverse board and a plumb line. A nail in the board is positioned exactly over the middle of the pool, fixed the board with clamps.

8 Befestigen Sie an dem Nagel eine Schnur, a pencil at the other end. Draw a circle of approximately 8 to 10 cm less in diameter than the pelvis.

9 Jetzt schneiden sie mit der Stichsäge die Beckenöffnung aus.

10 Unmittelbar hinter dem „Quellbecken“, a simple mortar trough, concrete in two H-post anchors.

11 Während das Ankerfundament abbindet, use an angle grinder to cut the stone into shape and slit it 2 cm high 45° water outlet in channel width.

12 Kurze Pfosten in den H-Ankern halten die Steinplatte über 12-mm-Edelstahl-Gewindestangen, pushed aluminum tubes and cap nuts. The plate is in the pool.

13 Der Überlaufkasten aus 12-mm-Multiplex wird von Innen mit einer GFK-Lage wasserfest ausgekleidet.

14 Außen bekommt er einen Kunststoffanstrich (Coelan Boat Coating via A. W. Niemeyer).

15 Rückseitig angedübelte Edelstahlwinkel halten den Überlaufkasten.

16 Die Überlaufkante des Kastens und des Steins müssen bündig sein.

A fiberglass fabric, impregnated with epoxy resin (Category. W. Niemeyer or car accessories), connects both permanently.

17 Der Überlaufkasten bekommt einen Deckel, the UV water filter is mounted underneath.

18 Nun im großen Becken die Bachlaufpumpe an die Wanddurchführung und ans Stromnetz anschließen.

19 Zum Schluss dübeln Sie die Unterwasserleuchten auf einen Pflasterstein und stellen Sie ins Quellbecken.


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