productive land use

productive land use

development, Care and protection of the native nature with its rich plants- and wildlife and their scenic beauties are essential prerequisites for an environment worthy of socialist society, for the promotion of health and vitality of the citizens, for recreation and leisure activities.

The main concern is preservation, Care and improvement as well as the rational use of the soil; because it is the basis for shaping the environment- and living conditions of the citizens and an irreplaceable main means of production in agriculture and forestry. Not only the state organs, the combines and farms of the country- and forestry are responsible for the effective use of land, but also social organizations and all citizens, the legal entities, land owners and users.

The ordinance for the protection of agricultural and forestry soil and for securing land use (Land Use Ordinance) also has the goal, to ensure meaningful leisure activities and active recreation while at the same time productively cultivating the soil.

The best possible use of every square meter of soil and the rapid increase in its fertility are therefore very important to society. This also applies to the garden soil; it must be used throughout the growing season for the cultivation of horticultural crops. Because: What we produce ourselves, does not need to be imported.

The cultivation of fruit, Vegetables and the production of animal products by small producers has a, great economic importance. At present, the share of small producers in the total production of the national economy is e.g. B. at

fruit 57,8 %,
vegetables 26,8 %,
rabbit meat 99,8 %,
Goose meat 26,8 %,
chicken eggs 44,2 %,
honey 98,0 %,
poultry meat 16,1 %.

With the aim of, on 100 m2 garden area more than 100 kg of fruit and vegetables to harvest, they do more than 1,2 Mill. Members of the Association of Allotment Gardeners, Settlers and small animal breeders make an independent contribution to the realization of the main task in the unity of economic.

The allotment garden of our time is characterized by the unity of productive land use, physically active recreation and meaningful leisure activities. From activity in the garden, Working with animals and personal and collective experiences draw strength for their professional activity.

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