Folding table for the picnic

Month, Month? We expected that! Here he is.

When the chairs have passed the first seating test, Of course, the folding table for an outdoor picnic should not be missing. He's out too 12 mm thick birch plywood. Two panels are used for the legs and sides 75 x 35 cm glued together. The glue is applied over the entire surface with a fine-toothed spatula. So that the panels do not slip when pressed together, drive in two nails, which you later remove. For the table top, a 60 x 58 cm large plate ten strips of each 60 x 5 cm cut on the table saw (see assembly instructions). The plates cost around 20 Euro. The edges are sanded on all wooden components. Continuous screw holes with corresponding countersinks are made in the drill stand with the drill. It is easiest to paint before assembly.

1 Der erste und der letzte Streifen der Tischplatte werden bündig an den Stirmenden der Zargen aufgeschraubt (4×30-mm screws). The lateral overhang of 5 cm can be maintained exactly with an auxiliary stop.

2 Die restlichen acht Plattenstreifen werden mit Distanzleisten (same distance) hung up.

3 Die Tischbeine an den Enden abrunden. A circular template makes marking easier. Cut out with the jigsaw,

smooth the curves with a belt or orbital sander.

4 Für die drehbare Befestigung an den äußeren Beinen sind zwei Senkkopfschrauben (5 x 40 mm) without continuous thread necessary. The smooth shaft serves as a pivot bearing for the legs.

5 Aus einem 1 m long aluminum tube (12 mm) two pieces 35 cm and two pieces ä 5 Cut to length with a hacksaw.

6 Das Drehgelenk besteht aus einem Alu-Rohr, that with dowels, Countersunk screws and washers are attached. The combination pliers prevent the pipe from turning when screwing.

7 Die zweite Querstrebe wird unter der Tischplatte in Rohrclips geklemmt. Die Clips (12 mm) will 5 mm deep and fastened with a screw. Make common with rasp.

8 Die kurzen Rohrstücke dienen als Halterung, when the table is folded.

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