Water garden plants properly

Plants absorb water mainly through their roots. The water should get there without detours and without too much of it evaporating beforehand.

• Gießen und wässern Sie frühmorgens. Too much water evaporates at midday, In the evening, the humidity promotes leaf diseases and is good for the snails.

• Beim Wässern mit dem Gartenschlauch ist es besser, use a shower as a jet that is too hard, so as not to silt up the earth.

• Trockenen Boden erst einmal etwas vorwässern. Half an hour later, the remaining amount of water can then be better absorbed.

• Lieber seltener und dafür intensiver wässern. The water should be about after pouring 20 cm into the ground. On normal floors, this is approximately 15 l/sqm necessary.

• Nutzen Sie, wherever you can, Rainwater reserves, for example, from the downspout on the carport or garden shed for watering.

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