The lawn

The lawn. A closed lawn retains the dust and heats up less than e.g. plate faces. In gardens on residential buildings, the lawn is often in the middle, giving the garden spatial depth. In the allotment garden it is used as a play area for the children and as a seat- and resting place better laid out near the arbor.

Planting and maintaining a lawn depends on its intended use, both in terms of the lawn mixture and the frequency of cutting, regarding irrigation and fertilizer application. An evenly short green decorative lawn carpet requires frequent cutting, plenty of water and fertilizing several times a year. other grasses, but a hard-wearing sports turf requires the same amount of maintenance.

Most gardens do not place such high demands on the lawn. It should neither be a pure ornamental lawn nor a pronounced spur lawn, but to be lawn for use. Here the maintenance work is much less. The sprinkler is only set up in the evening during dry periods for thorough watering – whereby the local and time regulations are to be observed. Fertilizer is used sparingly.’ By June, the lawn will grow on its own. Afterwards or in autumn, fertilization should strengthen the lawn and prevent moss formation.

In weekend settler gardens, if the frequency of cutting is reduced to twice a year, a "wild grass" forms on dry sites”. It stays low and becomes a scar interspersed with wildflowers and herbs, which can be entered. When playing ball, however, you have to be a bit careful and change places. On fresh soil, z.B. in shore areas, a flower meadow is created without maintenance measures.

However, where the areas are to be entered, must be cut at least three times.

A comment on lawns under trees: Shrubs and grasses are mutually exclusive. Trees want open ground, the lawn, on the other hand, does not tolerate shade. The best is, to keep the lawn clear of trees and shrubs. Otherwise a compromise must be found: The tree is first given a planting disc with a radius of in the lawn 1,0 m. It is to be kept open until then, until the bush has grown well. These are 3 to 5 Years. Then you have to make a decision. Should the tree bring a good yield, the plant disc remains intact. It is best covered with plant debris, mulched. Should it be a closed lawn?, then the grass is allowed to grow up to the trunk. So that neither tree nor lawn are disadvantaged, must be fertilized and watered particularly intensively under the treetop.

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