
Anti-AgingThis term does not designate an independent therapy but rather an objective of different therapies, the …

Anti-AgingThis term does not designate an independent therapy but rather an objective of different therapies, the …


acupunctureOne of the most popular alternative healing methods, which is based on the energy flows within the various meridians. Übersetzt bedeutet die lateinische

acupunctureOne of the most popular alternative healing methods, which is based on the energy flows within the various meridians. Übersetzt bedeutet die lateinische


AcupressureA method of traditional Chinese medicine, which translated means "pointed pressure". Bei der Akupressur wird auf

AcupressureA method of traditional Chinese medicine, which translated means "pointed pressure". Bei der Akupressur wird auf

alternative medicine

Above all, alternative medicine or natural medicine is closely linked to the idea of ​​medical wellness, die ebenfalls seit

Above all, alternative medicine or natural medicine is closely linked to the idea of ​​medical wellness, die ebenfalls seit