French beans require a good supply of humus in the soil and also make certain demands on the composition of mineral fertilizers

French beans require a good supply of humus in the soil and also make certain demands on the composition of mineral fertilizers.

Although bush beans tolerate fresh organic fertilization, one puts them appropriately in the 2. try, since other types of vegetables need stable manure more urgently or. better exploit. If the humus content is insufficient, however, organic fertilization in the autumn before cultivation is recommended. The demands on the amount of mineral fertilizer are normal, however, it is essential to use low-chloride or -free fertilizers. There is also a certain sensitivity to salt, so that the mineral fertilizer is to be applied as early and evenly as possible. Fertilizers containing magnesium should also be preferred, since bush beans are characterized by a high magnesium requirement. Although the beans belong to the legume family, d.h. belong to the legume family and consequently form a community with the nitrogen-collecting nodule bacteria, the nitrogen fertilization must not be omitted completely. You give about 5 g N/m2 before ordering or shortly after rising. A top dressing of 4-5 g N/m2 in liquid form before closing the herd can be advantageous. Finally, there is one more thing to note, that bush beans react sensitively to fresh liming and that the possibly. necessary liming has to be done before the previous crop.

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