There are many situations, in those with suntan on your face can be troublesome, and for this reason you must try, and remove it the best way, You can. And while there are numerous chemicals out there, to help you in this regard, We recommend you, to check, the normal one, natural treatments, since these bring … Continue reading “6 HOME REMEDIES TO REMOVE TAN FROM FACE”

There are many situations, in those with suntan on your face can be troublesome, and for this reason you must try, and remove it the best way, You can. And while there are numerous chemicals out there, to help you in this regard, We recommend you, to check, the normal one, natural treatments, as these will bring you the best possible experience and results very quickly.

cucumber, rose water and lemon juice

You need a tablespoon of pickle juice, lemon juice and rose water, then combine them with some rose water. You must apply cotton to the tanned areas, and wait about 10 minutes before removal, to get the best results.

besan and turmeric

Combine these two with some milk and a little crushed orange peel, and cold rose water. You must apply this onthe clean face and then leave it up 20 leave to dry for minutes. You must have this particular package at least 3-4 apply once a week, if you want to get amazing results.

tomatoes, yogurt and lemon juice

This particular pack has a big job, when it comes to removing the dark spots and pigmentation, which usually shines from the sun goes tanned skin.You need to mix these products with a little water and then let them dry for 20 Minutes. It might make you itchy at first, but this will mellow down, so you don't have, to be afraid!

Aloe vera and tomatoes, combined with red lentils

If you are extremely tanned, then you need to focus on adding that unique mix. It is, produced as a paste, everything, what you have to do, is, to put it on your face, and wait 20-30 Minutes. Luckily you don't have to apply this too often, in a few days you will see the results, you are looking for!

Buttermilk and Oatmeal Pack

This interesting mix allows you, Scrubbing your skin and exfoliating it the right way. You need to mix the two into the mixture and include a little bit of water, then massage circularly. You also need to leave it for about 20 Remain minutes and then clean with the help of water.

yogurt and orange juice

Orange is known, to bring in a lot of vitamin c, while yogurt is a natural moisturizer, which allows you, keep your skin supple and soft. You need this for 20-30 Minutes to leave and then clean with water.

All of these tan removal solutions are very easy to use, and they offer some exceptional results. All you have to do, is, to follow our instructions, but try, these masks as often as you can, if you want to get the best result!

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