approximation formulas approximation formulas Category. mistake If the measured value m, the true value w, so applies: …
Nonlinear Equations Nonlinear Equations Category. Quadratic equations with real coefficients B. higher degree equations C. Approximation method for solving higher degree equations…
Determinants and linear equations Determinants and linear equations Category. determinants 1. Two-row determinant 3. determinant sets: I. The value of a determinant does not change, if …
Potencies – Definition, Monotony, Laws of Calculation Potencies – Definition, Monotony, Laws of Calculation…
Transformations in R Transformations in R Category. Binome, Trinome B. binomial theorem C. proportions D. mean values For the arithmetic mean m, das geometrische …
Arrangement properties of real numbers Arrangement properties of real numbers Category. Axioms of arrangement B. Upper and lower bound, the supreme, The lowest C. completeness axiom Jede nichtleere und …